Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just playing around.

Kyle and the kids. I tried to get a good picture of them, but they didn't want to sit still and wanted to play instead. It snowed on us the entire time we were up there the past couple of times. Kymbell playing in the snow. She has really started to like going up there and rolling in the snow.Kadence holding her purple sled. She is really ready to go play and not wanting me to take pictures.Kadence and Kymbell in there snow bibs and snow boots getting ready to go up the mountain last weekend.My Valentine from Greyson written with hotwheel cars. He had it in the loft waiting for me to get out of bed that morning.  How sweet was that boy.


The Graves Gang said...

I LOVE the cars precious!!

The Lewis's said...

i love the car valentine--very sweet:)

I tagged you-see my blog.