Monday, March 2, 2009

Extreme Home Makeover....

It's coming here. Pep rally is tomorrow at 6:00 on Fremont Street. Maybe I'll make my way down there to see what is going on maybe I can be one of the volunteers. (think they would let me bring all my kids down there to help) That's funny. I would love to go help. I wonder what or who they are helping here. I am so going to find out.


Jessica said...

Fun profile picture! Now, you went to High School with Amy and Zack, right?

Jessica said...

No, the Hicmnas are just fine! : ) They stay busy and she said that she hasn't felt like bloggin much lately. I was just curious about how you knew them, but I was pretty sure you went to school with them.

The Hickmans said...

I'm finally back! Glad to see you all are doing well. I love the snow pictures!