Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Just a few things I would like to remember that Kymbell is doing at 17 months.
She can say a few words, but not that many it's hard to get in a word in our house of constant talkers. She says please, thank, juice, no, yes, Hi, baby, daddy, mama, blue, and fish. She always wants to leave the house no matter who is leaving. She loves her daddy during the day, but wants me at bedtime and early in the morning. She is really good with our cat and the dogs a real animal lover. She has to make sure she gives the boys hugs and kisses at bedtime. She loves to be the baby she will get in Kadence's baby playpen and lets Kadence play like she is a baby doll. It is really cute. She runs from you when it's time for a diaper change, but will get the diaper for you. She is such a sweet baby girl that we are very lucky to have in our lives. 

1 comment:

The Lewis's said...

Sounds like Kymbell is doing wonderful!!