Tuesday, December 2, 2008


There is a huge raffle/giveaway at mycharmingkids.net. If you donate $10 to the cause you are entered to when a huge prize package and help a families. The money goes to 3 great causes String of Pearls a very good place that helps families that have a unborn child with a fatal prenatal diagnosis that will result in death of their baby prior to or shortly after they are born.  The second great cause is the elison project which helps to provide grants towards the fees associated with adopting special need children in China. The third is no hands but ours  that also give provides education, resources and encouragement for families considering SN adoption, as well a advocacy for children who still wait for their families. All are good causes to help and you get a chance to win a great prize package. So give a donation and get a chance to win. You also have a chance to win  a custom made necklace for you by  Suzanne Myers  all you have to do is go to mycharmingkids.net and pick up the button at the top of her blog.      


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