Friday, December 26, 2008

The bad blogger that I am......

Well I have been a very BAD blogger this month, but I guess I have been way to busy with everything this month. I have had 2 sick girls with rsv and double ear infections and I tried to just give breathing treatments to both the girls to get it to get better and not go to the doctor, but that didn't happen. I think we have been to the doctor 3 times and been on a couple of antibiotics already and still have to take them back on Monday. They seem to be much better now thank goodness. 
We have also had our wonderful Aunt Kelly here with us for a few days the second week of December. We took Greyson out of school on that Friday and went to the shark reef at Mandalay Bay. The kids love it when we go to the strip and walk around in the casino's and down the strip. We also had one of Kyle's friends from collage that lives here come over and we did a Mexican food and got to catch-up with him. 
We had the biggest snow that Las Vegas has had in 30 years and this is the first time in more than 30 years that schools have closed for bad weather. I really wouldn't say the roads were bad especially coming from Arkansas snowy weather/ice. I live right by the mountains at the top of the Las Vegas valley and we got about 3 to 4 inches and then later the next day Henderson recieved 6 inches. People are so scared to drive in that around here it kinda funny to watch.
This was the day it snowed and YES this is my daughter in a t-shirt and her underwear. (with rsv and double ear infection) I had real issues keeping her dressed and inside during the snowy weather.
These are my two girls the day before the snow came it was warm that day. Kadence is my free spirited little child that is 2 going on 15.
My little Kymbell isn't so little anymore. She had definitely become very vocal about what she wants and telling you no or yes if you ask her a question.

1 comment:

The Graves Gang said...

Glad to see a new blog!!! Your kids are just adorable!