Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Just when I thought.....

So our little family has not had any interesting stuff going on with and it has been pretty boring. Well we had lots of people at our house and family in town the past 2 weeks, but nothing going on with the kids. Kymbell has not had any problems with her ears and she is finally well enough that we can get her caught up on her shots and have a well check-up. Although she has had a couple of bad nights and been kinda cranky b/c she is teething really bad. Her gums are all swollen and she is chewing on everything she gets her hands on. Kadence has been perfect. Konner hasn't had any major trouble with his ears except for swimming and water getting in them. Greyson hasn't really sick since we moved here. 
So just when I thought it was getting boring Greyson came home from Arkansas (from visiting his grandparents) and he has a lump in his left peck. So I waited a few days to see what happened with it, not knowing that he had it the entire time he was in Arkansas (because the others didn't bother to call and tell me or ask what they should do). So I finally decide to take him b/c he has had it a couple of weeks I thought and it seems to change in size. 
It was Friday my Doctor didn't have a good explanation for the lump in his chest. All he says is let me think about it and talk to an Endocrinologist. Monday rolls by and his really doesn't have any news. Tuesday his nurse calls and says we are being referred to an Endocrinologist and needed to be seen within 5 days. So I called the office and they said no openings until end of August first of Sept. I plainly tell her he is 7 and needs to be seen in 5 days. All she says is sorry would you like to make an appointment for then or what.(I am not happy the way this conversation is going with this girl) So I told her no thanks I would call and have my doctor to get me in. She says I'm sorry we really don't have any appointments open, but we can put you on a waiting list in case somebody cancels. Ok I don't sit around my house with 4 kids ready to leave at the drop of a phone call that she might or might not give me. So I called my doctors office and within a couple of minutes later they called and told me I have an appointment with that doctor at 9:45 on Friday.(no appointments until and of August my butt) I'm not sure that I really will like the office after this incident. Anyway wish us luck and pray that it is nothing bad.

Update:So Grey had his appointment today with a great pediatric endocrinologist. He is very well known and worked at a children's hospital in San Diego. Anyway he thinks Greyson has an increased level of a hormone that has caused his lump in his chest and we will have lab work done. The labs that he is having done will take 2 weeks to come back and we won't know the results until his next appointment on the 4 of Sept. We just need to know where it coming from or how he is getting it in his system. It may be caused by a very small tumor in his brain or a couple of other things. The doctor didn't seem overly concerned, but it is something we need to figure out and get fixed. If it did happen to be a  tumor it can be controlled with a pill he can take and he didn't seem to think that is would be a big deal to get into check. All we can do now is wait.


Unknown said...

Oh Man, I hope it all works out, I KNOW IT WILL!!!!!
Please keep me posted! I'll be praying for Greyson!
Love ya'll!

The Hickmans said...

Keep us posted. I hope all turns out well!