Also titled Here you go Betty
So basically we have had a crazy past three weeks. First Kadence had a slight cough during the day nothing big, but that night we put her to bed and it had increased a little bit. We put the cool mist humidifier in her room thinking it would help, but it did absolutely nothing for her. The next thing I know Kyle is yelling at me to get the nebulizer and she really wasn't breathing b/c her airway was so swollen. Kyle called 911 and we gave her 2 updrafts and took a ride in the ambulance with some of Kyle's coworkers. Yes you read right mister rub dirt on it called 911 b/c Kadence was REALLY BAD. They gave her a epinephrine up draft and decadron. The ambulance got to the house at 11:00 pm and Kyle came and picked us up at the hospital at 3:30 am it was a pretty quick trip, but I really needed to get her checked by her peds doctor b/c the er doctor wasn't really sure of himself or something. (he was like very early 20's I think) I took her to the Dr the next day and she had a double ear infection and he said she should have stayed in the hospital that night since she was so bad. Anyway he gave her another shot of decadron and gave her 10 days of antibiotics. She is all better now.The Wed. before we left Konner went to school and the teachers called me and said he didn't feel good. Needless to say I figured he was just faking it and didn't rush to pick him up and he puked in the car less than a mile from my house. I pulled over as fast as I could and he refused to get out b/c he didn't want to puke in the side of the rode. So I just pushed him out as he was starting to puke. Thank goodness he was not contagious and I think it was just food poisoning. He also had a ear infection somewhere in the past 3 weeks and was on 10 days of antibiotics, but it wasn't that bad and he is 100% now.So that gets me to the night before we get on the plane and I hadn't packed a darn thing. OOPS!!! I really wasn't in the mood that whole week before plus we have soccer practice for Konner and Greyson on Tuesdays/Thursdays and games on Saturdays. I just didn't feel like I had time. So our flight left at 8:45 am on Friday and I packed the girls and my stuff at 1 am that morning and we had to leave the house at 6 am for me to check in 2 hours before our flight left. Well we got off without any trouble and the girls always fly awesome and never know they are on the plane. As a matter of fact when everybody got off the plane they all said that they didn't even know there were children on the plane. I think the girls, the pilot, and I were the only young people on that flight. Anyways we left the day that the Denver airport canceled all the flights for the blizzard that was going on and it reached down into Kansas and Oklahoma area so our flight was a little rough at the end, but the girls were asleep so they didn't have a clue. The landing was rough b/c the runway was covered with a complete sheet of ice and the the thing that conects us the the airport to let us off was frozen. Soooo the pilot came up with a idea that she had to get approved. We landed in Wichita at 1:05 and didn't get off the plane until 2:20 or so. She helped every person out the back of the plane and helped them in the door. She carried the girls and my car seat in and then helped me inside. After that whole mess I went and met my dads cousin(Roger) to help me with the girls/2 bags/my 2 carry on/stroller/2 car seats. Thank god he was there I don't think I would have been able to do it. Got my car rented loaded the car seats and decided to eat lunch before heading on my 4 hour drive. Long story short it was sleeting and snowing/raining and my windshield wipers motor broke about a hour outside of where Roger left us. I WAS STRANDED in the snow with the girls. Thankfully I pulled off the side of the road by a policeman and he called the mechanic/preacher and he refused to let me sit on the side of the road waiting for Roger to come and get us. So I unloaded the car seats out of the rental and into his car and we went to a small cafe in Leon. Yes you read right I got into a car with a complete stranger with my girls and went somewhere with him. CRAZY, Yes I know. So, we did not get to Arkansas that night and we stayed in Kansas with Roger for the night and headed out in the morning. It was basically a blizzard when we left that next morning, but I didn't care I just wanted to get to Elkins to see my family. So I was supposed to be in Elkins around 6 or 7 Friday and didn't get there until 8 pm Saturday. Let me just say Avis car rental STINKS they told me just to sit and wait until the could come/then told me to drive the car with no windsheild wipers 3 miles down the road. After I told them I was leaving the keys in Leon he called to tell me I had to stay in that town until he could get a tow truck to me which wasn't going to be until the next night b/c he could let his drivers out in the severe roads conditions. Well that catches me up for a few days.
Kadence in her Green.

Greyson,Konner, and Kymbell dressed in there green for st patties day.

This is what we were leaving behind in Kansas.

Kymbell in the car the second day of travel. Trying to get out of Wichita,Ks.
OMG what a trip!! I couldn't imagine having to make that trip with two small girls. I'm glad you finally made it down here safe and sound!
Girl you have been through it all! Glad all is well now. =)
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