Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Must just be a bug.

Kymbell and I went to the Dr. again for the third time this week already. He told us her c diff was normal and that her rotavirus came back negative. Yeah!! We are still waiting on some cultures to come back, but we are pretty sure that is was just a nasty bug. She still is vomiting and having diarrhea, but she is doing so good and gaining weight through being sick. Kymbell had lost down to 16.6 when she first got sick a month ago. We weighed her Monday and she was 17.8 Tuesday she was 17.10 and today she was 17.11 almost back to her start weight of 17.12.

We are still having to go back to the Dr the next two days for her ears. She has to get a set of rossifin shots to try and clear them up. Vaccination shots are bad, but rossifin is a very thick medicine. He said we only had a few more days to make them 100% or she is going to see Kadence's ENT that put her tubes in a few months ago.

On a good note Kymbell has learned to crawl, pull up to stuff and stand for awhile. She goes from crawling to a sitting up position. Oh, and people have been claiming when they talk to her she says hi. I really don't know if that is what she is saying. Dad wins the prize b/c she definitely say da-da. She spots him in the room and says it over and over again.

We are so ready for school to be out and we can all start camping this summer. We also have a trip to Disneyland for a couple of days. We get back from that and my mom is coming for almost 2 weeks. I am so excited!!!!!

1 comment:

The Lewis's said...

Poor Kymbell! I hope she gets to feeling better soon. Camping this summer sounds fun!