we wouldn't get out until late tonight b/c my Dr. doesn't usually do rounds until late at night. The first night in the hospital he didn't come and see us until 11:00 that night.
Thank goodness he was nice enough to come over to the hospital just to release during his clinic time. We have had a very long 4 days in the hospital. Kymbell had an ivy in her arm that our wonderful nurse Matt put in first try. She pulled it out late saturday. That was very bad news for us
Matt got the only good vein she had. 6 very miserable sticks later we finally had another ivy in (only it was now in her poor little leg). They had to stick our baby a total of 11 times in the four days that we stayed there. As you can see in the picture she doesn't look to unhappy. We are just glad that our levels are where they should be and hope that her eating picks up to where it should be so we don't have to do this again. We will find out on Wed. at her Dr. appt. how she is doing. Wish us luck!
I had Adam call Kyle's phone to check on Kymbell!
We never heard back! SO glad she is better!!!
I was worried about her!
How is Kadence???
I've been praying for you guys!! I'm so glad to hear that she is doing better!! I hope Kadence isn't getting the same thing! We'll keep you in our prayers!!
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